Events Calendar

Appreciation Event
Please join us while we show our appreciation for our members and local businesses! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!! We will be serving food and have a cash bar.

Chamber Meeting
Please join us for our monthly board meeting! Meetings are open to the public.

SantaMaria Tattoo Ribbon Cutting
Please join us to mark SantaMaria Tattoo’s journey in the Buffalo business community! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! SantaMaria will be serving a taco bar and raffling off tattoo time & piercings!

Love's Travel Stop Ribbon Cutting
Please join us to mark Love’s journey in the Buffalo business community! EVERYONE is welcome! Light drinks and refreshment will be served.

Arrowhead Forge's Winter Solstice Forge Lighting
Come warm up by the fire and enjoy a bowl of chili while David demonstrates forging hot iron. Sign up for a free drawing and early registration for blacksmithing classes.

Chamber Meeting
Please join us for our monthly board meeting! Meetings are open to the public.

Christmas Community Celebration of Christ
Interfaith concert - Choirs from churches, BHS & more! December 15th at 4 PM. Located at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (470 Munkers Street Buffalo)

Festival of Trees - Large Tree Auction
Festival of Trees - Large Tree Auction - The auction will be IMMEDIATELY after the Parade, so around 7 PM, before the fireworks.

Lighted Christmas Parade
Please join us for our annual Lighted Christmas Parade on December 7th at 6PM in Downtown Buffalo. The theme this year is “Christmas A to Z”, which just encompasses everything Christmas. If you would like to enter the parade, entry forms on our Christmas Parade page. It is sure to be chilly, bundle the family up and come downtown and enjoy the beautiful display!
ANB Bank Holiday Open House
ANB Bank Holiday Open House - December 7th, 2024 at 4 PM - Serving hot beverages and cookies.

Chili Feed
The Chili Feed is BACK!! Johnson County Healthcare Center will graciously host the Chili Feed on December 7th, 2024 starting at 4 PM in Crazy Woman Square, until they are out of chili. Bundle the family up and bring them down for tasty, warm chili before the parade! The Buffalo Lions Club serves hot cocoa, and Alicia Kozisek with State Farm serves fresh, hot s’mores as well! Our Window Decorating contest starts on parade day as well so be sure to check out all the decorated windows while you’re out!

Festival of Trees
Festival of Trees - 12/7/24 - 10 AM-6PM: Holiday Bake Shop - 1-3 PM: Pictures with Santa by Lanna Wing - 3:30 PM: And the Winners Are…Tree & Wreath Voting Results - 10 AM-6 PM: Music, Entertainment, & Cash Bar - 6:00 PM: Silent Auction Closes - 7 PM (IMMEDIATELY after the Parade): Large Tree Auction.

Buffalo Children's Center's Christmas Bazaar
Buffalo Children’s Center’s Christmas Bazaar - December 7th from 8 AM to 3 PM - Johnson County Fairgrounds

St. Luke's Episcopal Church's Surprise You Sale
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church’s Annual Surprise You Sale - December 7th, 2024 - 8 AM to 11 AM - Doors open at 8 AM SHARP! Raffle tickets available at the door.

Buffalo Christian Academy's Christmas Party
Buffalo Christian Academy’s Christmas Party - 12/6/24 at 6 PM - The Playhouse (7 N. Main Street Buffalo) - There will be an Ugly Sweater & Christmas costume (Santa, Grinch, etc.) Contest. So be sure to wear your ugliest Christmas sweater or your best Christmas costume for the chance to win prizes!

Festival of Trees
Festival of Trees - 12/6/24 - 1-3 PM: Christmas Crafts, 3:00 PM: Happy Birthday Jesus Celebration - 5-7 PM: Live Music & Cash Bar - 6:00 PM: Ugly Sweater & Christmas Costume Contest

Festival of Trees
Festival of Trees - 11/5/24 - 2:00 PM: BC Christmas Preview Performance - Viewing Hours: 1:00 - 6:00 PM

Festival of Trees
Festival of Trees - 12/1 - 12/4 - Viewing Hours: 1:00 - 5:00 PM each day

Festival of Trees
Festival of Trees - 11/30/24 - Viewing Hours: 10 AM - 7 PM - 5-7 PM: Live Music & Cash Bar

Festival of Trees
Festival of Trees - 11/29/24 - 1:00 PM: Lighting the Trees - 1:00 PM: Festival Voting Begins - 5-7 PM: Live Music & Cash Bar - Viewing Hours: 1:00 - 7:00 PM

Chamber Meeting
Please join us for our monthly board meeting! Meetings are open to the public.

Health Fair
Health Fair at the Buffalo Senior Center
September 8th from 7AM to Noon
More info: (307) 684-9551 or trey@buffaloseniorcenter.com

Don King Days and Cowboy Polo
Bighorn Polo Club Games
Free and open to the public!
Don King Days and Cowboy Polo - September 2nd
(Time TBA)

Community Ball Hockey Games
Ball Hockey Games - Adult & Children’s games - Sundays and Thursdays at 6:30 PM - located at the Buffalo Community Rink (105 Klondike Drive) - No experience or equipment required - free fun for all ages - Hockey is played in athletic shoes. Protective equipment is recommended but not required. Sticks will be provided on request. Games are dependent on weather - Follow Buffalo Community Rink on Facebook for updates

Wednesday Market
The Wednesday Market is our version of a Farmer’s Market. There are a plethora of vendors, you’ll be sure to find lots of goodies! Markets are Wednesday evenings from 5-7 PM on Bomber Mountain Civic Center’s Northeast lawn (corner lawn across from Jim Gatchell Museum & Bank of Buffalo) at 63 N. Burritt Ave.

Bond's Brewing Run Club
Bond’s Brewing Run Club - every Tuesday at 5:30 PM - $25 sign-up fee includes a free tshirt and one free beer at sign-up. Contact Bond’s for more information at 307-278-0018.

Community Ball Hockey Games
Ball Hockey Games - Adult & Children’s games - Sundays and Thursdays at 6:30 PM - located at the Buffalo Community Rink (105 Klondike Drive) - No experience or equipment required - free fun for all ages - Hockey is played in athletic shoes. Protective equipment is recommended but not required. Sticks will be provided on request. Games are dependent on weather - Follow Buffalo Community Rink on Facebook for updates

San Pedro Ranch Game
Bighorn Polo Club Games
Free and open to the public!
San Pedro Ranch Game - August 25th at 3 pm

Perry's Trailer Sales Game
Bighorn Polo Club Games
Free and open to the public!
Perry’s Trailer Sales Game - August 25th at 1 pm

Worship in the Park
Worship in The Park
August 25th, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Location: Washington Memorial Park
Come join us for worship, food, fellowship, and building community
Donations to benefit: Bread of Life Food Pantry
Sponsored by: First United Methodist Church, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Union Congregational Church